The Next Economy

Author(s): Paul Hawken  

ISBN 10: 0030626315
ISBN 13: 9780030626319
Format: Hardcover
Publication: 1987/09/01
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Other books by Paul Hawken

1. Blessed Unrest Compact Disc (May 2007)
2. Blessed Unrest MP3 Book (May 2007)
3. Blessed Unrest Audio (May 2007)
4. Blessed Unrest MP3 on CD (September 2007)
5. Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being, and Why No One Saw It Coming Hardcover (2007)
6. Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World Paperback (April 2008)
7. Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability Paperback (August 1994)
8. Growing a Business Paperback (January 1988)
9. Growing a Business MP3 Book (October 1987)
10. Growing a Business Hardcover, 1987 (1987)
11. In earth's company Paperback (1998/05/14)
12. Inchpes Varel Sepakan Gortse Book (January 1993)
13. Natural capitalism
14. Natural Capitalism
15. The ecology of commerce (January 1994)
16. The ecology of commerce Hardcover (1993/11/01)
17. The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability Paperback (October 2010)
18. The Ecology of Commerce: How Business Can Save the Planet Paperback, 1995
19. The Magic of Findhorn (1975/05/01)
20. The Magic of Findhorn Paperback (July 1980)

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