The Feeling Good Handbook

Dr. David Burns is one of the prime developers of cognitive therapy, a fast-acting, drug-free treatment for designed to help the clinically depressed. In The Feeling Good Handbook, he adapts cognitive therapy to deal with the wide range of everyday problems that plague so many chronic nervousness, panic attacks, phobias, and feelings of stress, guilt, or inferiority. The Feeling Good Handbook teaches how to remove the mental obstacles that bar you from success--from test anxiety and fear of public speaking to procrastination and self-doubt.

Filled with charts, quizzes, weekly self-assessment tests, and a daily mood log, The Feeling Good Handbook actively engages its readers in their own recovery. With a new section on the latest prescription drugs for treating depression and anxiety disorders, The Feeling Good Handbook is an indispensable guide to help change thinking, control mood swings, deal with disasters, and feel better about yourself and those around you.

"A wonderful achievement. The best of what modern psychotherapy has to offer to people suffering from anxiety, depression, and marital problems." --M. Anthony Bates, Clinical psychologist, Presbyterian Medical Center, Philadelphia

"If you are looking for sound, workable advice on how to change your life a little or a lot, this is the book for you." --Robert L. Leahy, Ph.D., Director, Center for Cognitive Therapy, New York

"...written by one of the prime developers of cognitive therapy, teaching how to remove the mental obstacles that hinder success--from test anxiety and fear of public speaking to procrastination and self-doubt."

Author(s): David D. Burns  

ISBN 10: 0452281326
ISBN 13: 9780452281325
Pages: 768
Format: Paperback
Publication: May 1999
Edition: REV
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Other books by David D. Burns

1. Adios Ansiedad / When Panic Attacks: Como Superar La Timidez, Los Miedos, Las Fobias Y Las Situaciones De Panico / The new, drug-free anxiety therapy that can change your life Paperback (September 2006)
2. Autoestima En 10 Dias Paperback (2000/02/01)
3. Burns David D. : Feeling Good Handbook (Signet) Paperbound (1981/08/04)
4. El Manual De Ejercicios De Sentirse Bien Paperback (2004/11/22)
5. Feeling Good Paperbound (1981/08/01)
6. Feeling Good Paperbound (1981/08/01)
7. Feeling Good Handbook Paperback (1989/03/01)
8. Feeling Good Together: The Secret to Making Troubled Relationships Work Paperback (January 26, 2010)
9. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Paperback (June 1999)
10. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Paperbound (1998/07/01)
11. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, Vol. 1 Mass Market Paperback (October 1999)
12. Intimate Connection Mass Market Paperback (November 1985)
13. Intimate connections Hardcover (1984/10/01)
14. Intimate Connections Hardcover (1985)
15. Sentirse Bien Paperback (2005/03/01)
16. Sentirse Bien: Una Nueva Terapia Contra Las Depresiones Paperback (1990)
17. Ten Days to Self-Esteem Paperback (1993/10/01)
18. Ten Days to Self-Esteem, Vol. 1 Paperback (April 1999)
19. The feeling good handbook Hardcover (1989/08/01)
20. When Panic Attacks: The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life Paperback (June 2007)

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