Peter Camenzind

Peter Camenzind, a young man from a Swiss mountain village, leaves his home and eagerly takes to the road in search of new experience. Traveling through Italy and France, Camenzind is increasingly disillusioned by the suffering he discovers around him; after failed romances and a tragic friendship, his idealism fades into crushing hopelessness. He finds peace again only when he cares for Boppi, an invalid who renews Camenzind’s love for humanity and inspires him once again to find joy in the smallest details of every life.

Hesse's first novel invests the familiar tale of the loss of innocence with new meaning, for innocence is not an unconscious condition but a deliberate choice.

Author(s): Hermann Hesse  

ISBN 10: 0312422636
ISBN 13: 9780312422639
Pages: 208
Format: Paperback
Publication: December 2003
Edition: First Picador Edition
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Other books by Hermann Hesse

1. Augustus, Der Dichter [and] Ein Mensch Mit Namen Ziegler Paperback (1958/04/01)
2. Aus Indien Paperback - German (September 2011)
3. Ausgewählte Briefe. (2000/08/31)
4. Autobiographical Writings Hardcover (1972/01/01)
5. Autobiographical Writings (1973/04/19)
6. Autobiographische Schriften: Wanderung, Kurgast, Die Nürnberger Reise, Tagebücher. 11, Teil 1 Hardcover
7. Bajo LA Rueda Paperback (1998/10/01)
8. Bajo La Rueda (Spanish Edition) (December 1997)
9. Bajo las ruedas Paperback (1998/02/02)
10. Baume: Betractungen und Gedichte Paperback (1/1/1984)
11. Beneath the Wheel Paperback (July 2003)
12. Beneath the Wheel Paperbound (July 1983)
13. Beneath the Wheel (1988)
14. Beneath The Wheel Hardcover (1968)
15. Beschreibung Einer Landschaft Book (January 1971)
16. Betrachtungen und Berichte 1. 1899-1926.: 13, Teil 1
17. Betrachtungen und Berichte 2. 1927-1961.: 14, Teil 2

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