Beneath the Wheel

In Hermann Hesse's Beneath the Wheel, Hans Giebernath lives among the dull and respectable townsfolk of a sleepy Black Forest village. When he is discovered to be an exceptionally gifted student, the entire community presses him onto a path of serious scholarship. Hans dutifully follows the regimen of study and endless examinations, his success rewarded only with more crushing assignments. When Hans befriends a rebellious young poet, he begins to imagine other possibilities outside the narrowly circumscribed world of the academy. Finally sent home after a nervous breakdown, Hans is revived by nature and romance, and vows never to return to the gray conformity of the academic system.

A prodigy achieves academic distinction at great physical and spiritual cost.

Author(s): Hermann Hesse  

ISBN 10: 031242230X
ISBN 13: 9780312422301
Pages: 192
Format: Paperback
Publication: July 2003
Edition: Reprint
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Other books by Hermann Hesse

1. Augustus, Der Dichter [and] Ein Mensch Mit Namen Ziegler Paperback (1958/04/01)
2. Aus Indien Paperback - German (September 2011)
3. Ausgewählte Briefe. (2000/08/31)
4. Autobiographical Writings Hardcover (1972/01/01)
5. Autobiographical Writings (1973/04/19)
6. Autobiographische Schriften: Wanderung, Kurgast, Die Nürnberger Reise, Tagebücher. 11, Teil 1 Hardcover
7. Bajo LA Rueda Paperback (1998/10/01)
8. Bajo La Rueda (Spanish Edition) (December 1997)
9. Bajo las ruedas Paperback (1998/02/02)
10. Baume: Betractungen und Gedichte Paperback (1/1/1984)
11. Beneath the Wheel Paperbound (July 1983)
12. Beneath the Wheel (1988)
13. Beneath The Wheel Hardcover (1968)
14. Beschreibung Einer Landschaft Book (January 1971)
15. Betrachtungen und Berichte 1. 1899-1926.: 13, Teil 1
16. Betrachtungen und Berichte 2. 1927-1961.: 14, Teil 2
17. Bodensee: Betrachtungen, Erzahlungen, Gedichte Book (January 1977)

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