Narcissus and Goldmund

Hesse's novel of two medieval men, one quietly  content with his religion and monastic life, the  other in fervent search of more worldly salvation.  This conflict between flesh and spirit, between  emotional and contemplative man, was a life study for  Hesse. It is a theme that transcends all time.  The Hesse Phenomenon "has turned into a vogue,  the vogue into a torrent. . .He has appealed both  to. . . an underground and to an establishment. .  .and to the disenchanted young sharing his contempt  for our industrial  civilization."—The New York Times Book Review

The story of two men whose characters are diametrically opposed. Thomas Mann called it "a poetic novel unique in its fascination."

Author(s): Hermann Hesse  

ISBN 10: 0553275860
ISBN 13: 9780553275865
Pages: 320
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Publication: February 1984
Edition: Reprint
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Other books by Hermann Hesse

1. Augustus, Der Dichter [and] Ein Mensch Mit Namen Ziegler Paperback (1958/04/01)
2. Aus Indien Paperback - German (September 2011)
3. Ausgewählte Briefe. (2000/08/31)
4. Autobiographical Writings Hardcover (1972/01/01)
5. Autobiographical Writings (1973/04/19)
6. Autobiographische Schriften: Wanderung, Kurgast, Die Nürnberger Reise, Tagebücher. 11, Teil 1 Hardcover
7. Bajo LA Rueda Paperback (1998/10/01)
8. Bajo La Rueda (Spanish Edition) (December 1997)
9. Bajo las ruedas Paperback (1998/02/02)
10. Baume: Betractungen und Gedichte Paperback (1/1/1984)
11. Beneath the Wheel Paperback (July 2003)
12. Beneath the Wheel Paperbound (July 1983)
13. Beneath the Wheel (1988)
14. Beneath The Wheel Hardcover (1968)
15. Beschreibung Einer Landschaft Book (January 1971)
16. Betrachtungen und Berichte 1. 1899-1926.: 13, Teil 1
17. Betrachtungen und Berichte 2. 1927-1961.: 14, Teil 2

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