Hidden Empire

The war of words between right and left collapsed into a shooting war, and raged between the high-technology weapons on each side, devastating cities and overrunning the countryside.

At the close of Empire, political scientist and government adviser Averell Torrent had maneuvered himself into the presidency of the United States.  And now that he has complete power at home, he plans to expand American imperial power around the world.

Opportunity comes quickly.  There’s a deadly new plague in Africa, and it is devastating the countryside and cities.  President Torrent declares American solidarity with the victims, but places all of Africa in quarantine until a vaccine is found or the disease burns itself out.  And he sends Captain Bartholomew Coleman, Cole to his friends, to run the relief operations and protect the American scientists working on identifying the virus.  If Cole and his team can avoid dying of the plague, or being cut down by the weapons of fearful African nations, they might do some good.  Or they might be out of the way for good.

Author(s): Orson Scott Card  

ISBN 10: 0765359715
ISBN 13: 9780765359711
Pages: 464
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Other books by Orson Scott Card

1. A Planet Called Treason
2. A War of Gifts (Ender Wiggin Series #5)
3. A Woman of Destiny
4. Alvin Journeyman (Alvin Maker Series #4)
5. Black mist and other Japanese futures
6. Call of Earth (Homecoming Series #2), Vol. 2
7. Capitol
8. Characters & Viewpoint
9. Characters and Viewpoint
10. Children of the Mind (Ender Wiggin Series #4)
11. Cruel Miracles
12. Crystal City (Alvin Maker Series #6)
13. Dragon Age
14. Earth Afire
15. Earth Unaware
16. Earthborn (Homecoming Series #5)
17. Earthfall (Homecoming Series #4)
18. Empire (Orson Scott Card's Empire Series #1)
19. Enchantment
20. Ender in Exile (Ender Wiggin Series #6)

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