Bright Star

JOHN KEATS: BRIGHT STAR: SELECTED POEMS <p>Edited with an introduction by Miriam Chalk</p> <p>This book gathers the most potent passages from the poetry of John Keats (1795-1821) together, including the famous 'Odes', the sonnets, the luxuriously sensuous 'Eve of St Agnes', the mysterious and atmospheric 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci', and extracts from 'Lamia', 'Endymion' and 'Hyperion'.</p> <p>This edition has been updated with new poems and a revised text</p> <p>John Keats is one of the few British poets who is truly ecstatic andwild. Keats is known for his ornate language, memorablephrases ('made sweet moan' in 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'), Romantic indulgences, and a tendency to gush and exaggerate. Keats is one of a few poets who write in English in a shamanic manner.</p> <p>John Keats reaches the pinnacle of British poetry, as W. Jackson Bate, typical among critics, says: 'the language of his greatest poetry has always held an attraction; for there we reach, if only for a brief while, a high plateau where in mastery of phrase he has few equals in English poetry, and only one obvious superior.'</p> <p>Like Arthur Rimbaud, and like the poet he is most compared with, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats burnt fiercely and died young. He is a poet as martyr and hero, a Vincent van Gogh of poesie. He is famous for his sensual odes - 'Ode to a Grecian Urn', 'Ode to Melancholy', 'To Autumn', 'Ode to Psyche' and 'Ode to a Nightingale' - the poems 'Lamia', 'Endymion' and 'Hyperion', the luxuriant 'The Eve of St Agnes', a group of sonnets, and the strange, haunting fairy tale poem 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'.</p> <p>John Keats is a typical Romantic poet: he usedpagan imagery; he employs much ancient Greek mythology; he is a shamanic poet, who writes in feverish bouts; he is a 'poet's poet'; he wrote searing short poems, and attempted long, epic sequences; he revered the right authors (John Milton, William Shakespeare, the ancient Greeks); he died young; and he travelled to Italy, the key destination for the authentic Grand Tour experience.</p> <p>British Poets Series. Illustrated. Bibliography andnotes. ISBN 9781861713353. 128 pages.</p> <p></p>

Author(s): John Keats  

ISBN 10: 1861713355
ISBN 13: 9781861713353
Pages: 128
Format: Paperback
Publication: 1/2/2012
Edition: 3
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Other books by John Keats

1. 50 Greatest Poems of John Keats (10/4/2011)
2. A Stroll with Keats (1886) Hardcover (September 2010)
3. A Stroll with Keats... Paperback (March 2012)
4. Anthology (Poet) Hardcover (1989/10/01)
5. Bright Star Hardcover (April 2012)
6. Bright Star: Love Letters and Poems of John Keats to Fanny Brawne Other Format (September 2009)
7. Bright Star: Love Letters and Poems of John Keats to Fanny Brawne Other Format (9/16/2009)
8. Bright Star: The Complete Poems and Selected Letters Paperback (October 2009)
9. Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats Paperback (February 2001)
10. Complete Poetical Works of John Keats (March 1979)
11. Complete Works Paperback (October 2011)
12. Complete Works Paperback (October 2011)
13. Complete Works Paperback (April 2012)
14. Complete Works Paperback (August 2011)
15. Complete Works Paperback (October 2011)
16. Complete Works Paperback (October 2011)
17. Complete Works Volume 1 Paperback (September 2011)
18. Complete Works Volume 5 Paperback (January 2013)
19. Eminent Domain: The Louisiana Purchase and the Making of America (1973/06/01)
20. Endymion Paperback (February 2009)

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