50 Greatest Poems of John Keats

John Keats was born in 1795 in London. He was the part of the second generation of Romantic Poets which also included Byron and Shelley. <br> His work had been published only four years before his death at the age of 26. <br> The initial reaction to his poetry was not favourable ,but after his death his reputation grew until the present day where he is considered one of the leading poets in the English language. <br> Both Byron and Shelley after his death both wrote poems that seemed to add to the myth of Keats being the fragile, unloved genius who would die young . <br> Keats poetry is full of lyrical power that illustrates the loves and tragedies that beset his short life.

Author(s): John Keats  

ISBN 10: 1470929082
ISBN 13: 9781470929084
Publication: 10/4/2011
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Other books by John Keats

1. A Stroll with Keats (1886) Hardcover (September 2010)
2. A Stroll with Keats... Paperback (March 2012)
3. Anthology (Poet) Hardcover (1989/10/01)
4. Bright Star Paperback (1/2/2012)
5. Bright Star Hardcover (April 2012)
6. Bright Star: Love Letters and Poems of John Keats to Fanny Brawne Other Format (September 2009)
7. Bright Star: Love Letters and Poems of John Keats to Fanny Brawne Other Format (9/16/2009)
8. Bright Star: The Complete Poems and Selected Letters Paperback (October 2009)
9. Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats Paperback (February 2001)
10. Complete Poetical Works of John Keats (March 1979)
11. Complete Works Paperback (October 2011)
12. Complete Works Paperback (October 2011)
13. Complete Works Paperback (April 2012)
14. Complete Works Paperback (August 2011)
15. Complete Works Paperback (October 2011)
16. Complete Works Paperback (October 2011)
17. Complete Works Volume 1 Paperback (September 2011)
18. Complete Works Volume 5 Paperback (January 2013)
19. Eminent Domain: The Louisiana Purchase and the Making of America (1973/06/01)
20. Endymion Paperback (February 2009)

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