Book List by Popular Christian Authors Kendrick Brothers Stephen and Alex

Book List by Popular Christian Authors Kendrick Brothers Stephen and Alex

Books in list (9)

Title: The Battle Plan for Prayer

Think of this book as a strategic guide to engaging with God, expecting His answers, and enlarging your vision of what He can do through someone like you.
Author(s): Stephen Kendrick;Alex Kendrick
ISBN 13: 9781433688669
Pages: 208
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Title: The Love Dare

Unconditional love is eagerly promised at weddings, but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the home. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. The Love Dare, the New York Times No. 1 best seller that has sold five million copies and was major plot device in the popular movie Fireproof, is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It’s time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage.
Author(s): Alex Kendrick;Stephen Kendrick
ISBN 13: 9781433679599
Pages: 256
This book is in (4) other book lists, learn more.

Title: The Resolution for Men

<i>“A man cannot be passive about what Scripture tells him to do for his family and expect to be found faithful to God in the end. He must see with spiritual eyes and realize that future generations are directly impacted by his daily decisions.”</i><br> —The Resolution for Men <p><i>The Resolution for Men</i> is the inspiring book born out of <i>Courageous</i>, a new film by the makers of <i>Fireproof</i> coming to theaters nationwide in fall 2011. The movie, which presents a powerful story of strong male leadership, is an emotionally charged wake-up call to fathers whose influence upon their children and society is immeasurable. <i>The Resolution for Men</i> follows to challenge men of all ages to become as bold and intentional about embracing their responsibilities as leaders of their homes, marriages, and children.<br> Written by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, screenwriters of <i>Courageous</i> and authors of New York Times No. 1 best seller <i>The Love Dare</i> (five million copies sold), <i>The Resolution for Men</i> strategically inspires men to reconcile with their past, re-engage in the present by taking full responsibility for their wives and children, and then move forward with a bold and clear resolution for the future. Written in partnership with the movie and Priscilla Shirer’s new book, <i>The Resolution for Women</i>, it is designed to inspire a revolution.</p>
Author(s): Stephen Kendrick
ISBN 13: 9781433671227
Pages: 272


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