
A groundbreaking translation of the epic work of one of the great minds of the nineteenth century

Giacomo Leopardi was the greatest Italian poet of the nineteenth century and was recognized by readers from Nietzsche to Beckett as one of the towering literary figures in Italian history. To many, he is the finest Italian poet after Dante. (Jonathan Galassi’s translation of Leopardi’s Canti was published by FSG in 2010.)

     He was also a prodigious scholar of classical literature and philosophy, and a voracious reader in numerous ancient and modern languages. For most of his writing career, he kept an immense notebook, known as the Zibaldone, or “hodge-podge,” as Harold Bloom has called it, in which Leopardi put down his original, wide-ranging, radically modern responses to his reading. His comments about religion, philosophy, language, history, anthropology, astronomy, literature, poetry, and love are unprecedented in their brilliance and suggestiveness, and the Zibaldone, which was only published at the turn of the twentieth century, has been recognized as one of the foundational books of modern culture. Its 4,500-plus pages have never been fully translated into English until now, when a team under the auspices of Michael Caesar and Franco D’Intino of the Leopardi Centre in Birmingham, England, have spent years producing a lively, accurate version. This essential book will change our understanding of nineteenth-century culture. This is an extraordinary, epochal publication.

Author(s): Giacomo Leopardi  

ISBN 10: 0374296820
ISBN 13: 9780374296827
Pages: 2592
Format: Hardcover
Publication: 7/9/2013
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Other books by Giacomo Leopardi

1. "Tutto è nulla: Antologia dello ""Zibaldone di pensieri"" (Classici della BUR)" (1997)
2. Appendice All' Epistolario E Agli Scritti Giovanili Paperback - Italian (August 2011)
3. Appendice All' Epistolario E Agli Scritti Giovanili Di Giacomo Leopardi Paperback - Italian (January 2012)
4. Canti (9/22/2012)
5. Canti Paperback - Italian (January 2013)
6. Canti Paperback - Italian (February 2012)
7. Canti (Biblioteca universale Laterza) (Italian Edition) (January 1987)
8. Canti Di Giacomo Leopardi (1860) Paperback - Italian (March 2010)
9. Canti E Versioni Paperback - Italian (August 2011)
10. Canti E Versioni Di Giacomo Leopardi Paperback - Italian (March 2010)
11. Canti E Versioni Di Giacomo Leopardi Paperback - Italian (September 2010)
12. Canti Scelti Paperback - Italian (March 2010)
13. Canti Scelti, Batracomiomachia Ed Estratto Dal Paralipomeni Con Commenti del Raffaello Fornaciari... Paperback - Italian (March 2012)
14. Canti... Paperback - Italian (February 2012)
15. Canti... Paperback (September 2011)
16. Canti: A Bilingual Edition Hardcover (October 2010)
17. Canti: The Poems of Leopardi (9/29/2009)
18. Cantos - Edicion Bilingue Paperback (2007/06/30)
19. Cantos - Leopardi Giacomo (2000/07/01)
20. Cantos y Pensamientos Hardcover (2006)

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