You're Kitten Me (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Tiger Tails) (Volume 2)

Want to mate a wolf? It’s easy. Just make him—er, her—howl. Braden, the second in the national weretiger pride, put Veronica on a plane back to wolf lands for her own protection. With DoPE—the Department of Paraphysical Entities—secretly determined to control shifters through any means necessary, he needed her out of harm’s way. Especially since “any means necessary” includes the forced mating of the daughters of alphas to humans of DoPE’s choice. But going home didn’t keep Veronica safe—DoPE still went after her—so now she’s back in Wilden… Back with him. With her so close, her delicious scent calling to him, taunting and teasing him at every turn, he’s not sure he can resist the curvaceous, delicious Veronica much longer. Screw it. He can’t. He wants her and he’ll figure out a way to have her—even if he is a tiger and she’s a wolf. Except DoPE hasn’t given up. They have new tricks up their sleeves—deadly ones—and they’re resolute to test them on Braden. Can he survive their tactics and keep Veronica safe?

Author(s): Celia Kyle  

ISBN 10: 1518881211
ISBN 13: 9781518881213
Pages: 192
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Other books by Celia Kyle

1. All Roar and No Bite (Grayslake) (Volume 2)
2. Big Furry Deal (Ridgeville) (Volume 8)
3. Chasing Tail
4. Gabriella
5. Hell's Chapel (Caith Morningstar) (Volume 1)
6. Like a Fox (Ridgeville) (Volume 8)
7. Lions Honor
8. Lorelei (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Alpha Marked) (Volume 5)
9. Love at First Roar
10. Office of Kink & Karma
11. On Her Tail (Quick & Furry) (Volume 3)
12. Paisley (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Alpha Marked) (Volume 6)
13. Rebecca
14. Ridgeville Series Volume Two
15. Roaring Up the Wrong Tree (Grayslake) (Volume 3)
16. Scarlet (Alpha Marked) (Volume 1)
17. Sealed with a Purr
18. Seduced by Fur
19. Tailing Her (Quick & Furry) (Volume 2)
20. Whitney (Alpha Marked) (Volume 3)

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