You Changed My Life

<p class="null1">If someone has changed your life for the good, now is the time to celebrate by letting them know how much they matter.</p> <p>Oftentimes true heroes of faith don't stand out in the world, but they have made a lasting difference in someone's life-they're a hero to someone.<br> This gift book celebrates their story by first providing a dedication beginning with "You changed my life by___" to be written in detail by the giver to the recipient. To follow are stories told by Max about others who have answered the call of their convictions and took steps of faith (both big and small)<br> resulting in lasting change in the lives around them. It's a message that honors the person who receives the book, and inspires us all to see that real people with remarkable hearts can change lives.</p>

Author(s): Max Lucado  

ISBN 10: 1404187839
ISBN 13: 9781404187832
Pages: 191
Format: Hardcover
Publication: September 14, 2010
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Other books by Max Lucado

1. #3 WEBSTER THE SCAREDY SPIDER DVD [Region 1] [NTSC] (2010/01/01)
2. #5 FRUITCAKE CHRISTMAS A DVD [Region 1] [NTSC] Video (2010/01/01)
3. #6 STANLEY THE STINKBUG DVD [Region 1] [NTSC] (2010/01/01)
4. 1 &amp; 2 Peter Paperback (February 2007)
5. 1 &amp; 2 Thessalonians Paperback (May 2007)
6. 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus (Life Lessons) Paperback (February 2007)
7. 1 Corinthians Paperback (December 2006)
8. 1, 2, 3 John &amp; Jude Paperback (May 2007)
9. 2 Corinthians Paperback (May 2007)
10. 3 (September 2007)
11. 3 Paperback (August 2007)

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