Weekend Warriors

INSIDE: Fern talks about the Sisterhood series--and more!

Justice Has A New Outfit

Life isn't fair. Most women know it. But what can you do about it? Plenty. . .if you're part of the Sisterhood. On the surface, these seven women are as different as can be--but each has had her share of bad luck, from cheating husbands to sexist colleagues to a legal system that often doesn't do its job. Now, drawn together by tragedy, they're forging a bond that will help them right the wrongs committed against them and discover an inner strength they didn't know they had. Growing bolder with each act of justice, the Sisterhood is learning that when bad things happen, you can roll over and play dead. . .or you can get up fighting. . ..

Praise for Fern Michaels and her Sisterhood novels. . .

"Readers will enjoy seeing what happens when well-funded, very angry women take the law into their own hands." --Booklist on Weekend Warriors

"Delectable. . .deliver[s] revenge that's creatively swift and sweet, Michaels-style." --Publishers Weekly on Hokus Pokus

Includes bonus Sisterhood chapter!

Author(s): Fern Michaels  

ISBN 10: 1420132199
ISBN 13: 9781420132199
Pages: 304
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Publication: 3/5/2013
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