War Stories and Poems

<p>This sardonic American comment on British ineptitude in the Boer War comes from 'The Captive', one of Kipling's many stories about war. He wrote confident tales of adventure on the imperial frontiers, in Afghanistan, Burma, and the Sudan. But he also, in Barrack-Room Ballads, provided wry perspectives from men in the ranks; and he did not flinch from recording shameful episodes such as the panic-stricken flight of an English regiment in 'The Drums of the Fore and Aft'. Kipling was dismayed by the inefficiency permeating the Army, and his satirical exposures of incompetence foreshadow some of the protest literature of the First World War. That war, in which his only son was killed on his first day in action, dominates his later fiction, which is suffused with a sense of loss, bereavement, and angry pride.</p>

Author(s): Rudyard Kipling  

ISBN 10: 0199555508
ISBN 13: 9780199555505
Pages: 416
Format: Paperback
Publication: June 2009
Edition: Reissue
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Other books by Rudyard Kipling

1. Just So Stories Mass Market Paperback (March 2010)
2. Just So Stories Paperback (May 2010)
3. Kim Paperback (December 2005)
4. Kim (Barnes &amp; Noble Classics Series) Paperback (January 2004)
5. The Jungle Books Paperback (April 2010)

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