Values, Inc.: How Incorporating Values into Business and Life Can Change the World

It's been said that 95 percent of companies that have a code of values don't even use them. Sad, but true. There are companies, too many to count, that spend countless hours and even countless dollars with experts to brainstorm their mission, vision, and values, write them down, hang them on the wall...and then walk away. While these things look good on paper, they mean nothing to the day-to-day functions of these businesses and the people they employ. And that's a tragedy that needs to stop. When The Dwyer Group decided to operationalize its company code of values, little did we know the impact it would have on our business. Not only was the change tangible and real, shaping our business from the corner office to front lines of our service brands around world. But it also made our company a really fun place to work on a whole new level. We were attracting people to our home office and across our franchise service brands like never before. The Dwyer Group Code of Values brought real value to our company and our culture as we became a $1 billion annual business systemwide.

Author(s): Dina Dwyer-Owens  

ISBN 10: 1942611056
ISBN 13: 9781942611059
Pages: 176
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