Tropic of Capricorn

Tropic of Capricorn is a semi-autobiographical novel by Henry Miller, first published in Paris in 1938. The novel was subsequently banned in the United States until a 1961 Justice Department ruling declared that its contents were not obscene. It was also banned in Turkey. It is a sequel to Miller's 1934 work, the Tropic of Cancer. Both Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer are published in the United States by Grove Press an imprint of Grove/Atlantic, Inc..
The novel is set in 1920s New York, where the narrator 'Henry V. Miller' works in the personnel division of the 'Cosmodemonic' telegraph company. Although the narrator's experiences closely parallel Miller's own time in New York working for the Western Union Telegraph Company, and though he shares the author's name, the novel is considered a work of fiction.
The book is a story of spiritual awakening. Much of the story surrounds his New York years of struggle with wife June Miller, and the process of finding his voice as a writer.

Author(s): Henry Miller  

ISBN 10: 0802151825
ISBN 13: 9780802151827
Pages: 348
Format: Paperback
Publication: January 1994
Edition: Reprint
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Other books by Henry Miller

1. A devil in paradise Paperback (1993/11/18)
2. A Guide to Ecclesiastical Law for Church-Wardens and Parishioners Paperback, 2009 (2009)
3. Air-Conditioned Nightmare Paperback (January 1970)
4. Aller Retour New York Paperback (January 1993)
5. Aller Retour New York
6. Art et outrage. essais t.1 (1997/09/10)
7. Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch Paperback (1957/02/01)
8. Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch (1975/03/01)
9. Big Sur und die Orangen des Hieronymus Bosch. (January 1966)
10. Black Spring Paperback (February 1994)
11. Black Spring (1973/06/01)
12. Black Spring Paperback (1973/04/01)
13. Book of Friends (1978/05/01)
14. Bunny and Claude: Pour Some Whiskey on Them Bites in My Shoulder Paperback (2004/06/05)
15. California Missions Paperback (October 1999)
16. Colossus of Maroussi Paperback (1972/04/27)
17. Crazy Cock Paperback (January 1994)
18. Crazy Cock Hardcover (1992/03/19)
19. Crazy Cock Hardcover (1991)
20. CRAZY COCK Paperback (1991)

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