The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa

The Washington Post Book World has written that Fernando Pessoa was "Portugal's greatest writer of the twentieth century [though] some critics would even leave off that last qualifying phrase," a writer of "remarkable genius," and "one of the most appealing European modernists, equal in command and range to his contemporaries Rilke and Mandelstam." The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa spans fiction and drama, playful intellectual inquiry, Platonic dialogue, and bitter intellectual scrapping between Pessoa and his many literary alter egos ("heteronyms"). In these pieces, the heteronyms launch movements and write manifestos, and one of them attempts to break up Pessoa's only known romantic relationship. Also included is a generous selection from Pessoa's masterpiece The Book of Disquiet, freshly translated by Richard Zenith from newly discovered materials. The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa is an important record of a crucial part of the literary canon.

Author(s): Fernando Pessoa  

ISBN 10: 0802139140
ISBN 13: 9780802139146
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback
Publication: 2002/08/01
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Other books by Fernando Pessoa

1. 35 Sonnets Paperback (March 2009)
2. 35 Sonnets: 35 Sonetos Book (January 2006)
3. A Centenary Pessoa (Aspects of Portugal) (1997/11/27)
4. Aforismos y Afines Paperback (2007/01/30)
5. Algebra Der Geheimnisse: Ein Lesebuch Book (January 1986)
6. Always Astonished: Selected Prose Book (January 1988)
7. Antologia Book (January 1989)
8. Antologia de alvaro de Campos/ Anthology of Alvaro de Campos Paperback (June 2007)
9. Antologia Poetica (Biblioteca de Poesia) Paperback (2005/05/01)
10. Antologia Poetica: El Poeta Es UN Fingidor Paperback (June 1991)
11. Contra La Democracia: Una Antologia De Escritos Politicos Applicable (1985)
12. El Banquero Anarquista / the Anarchist Banker Paperback (2002)
13. El banquero anarquista y otros cuentos de raciocinio/ The anarchist banker and other tales of reasoning Paperback (May 2008)
14. El banquero anarquista y otros cuentos de raciocinio/ The Anarquist Banker and Stories of Reason Paperback (June 2007)
15. El elfo y la princesa Hardcover (2008)
16. El Marinero: Drama Estatico En UN Cuadro
17. El Poeta Es Un Fingidor: (Antologia Poetica) Book (January 1982)
18. El regreso de los dioses / The return of gods Paperback (June 2006)
19. Escritos Autobiograficos, Automaticos y de Reflexion Personal (2005/06/01)
20. Fernando Pessoa, Poete Pluriel, 1888-1935 Book (1985 )

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