The Renegades (Volume 1)

"The Renegades filled a void I didn't know I was missing, sort of 'what would a John Hughes zombie story be?" - "The pages turn themselves in this crazy post-apocalyptic horror. Full of fun, laughter, memorable characters and a strong zombie story. Its amazing action and adventure will keep you glued until the end!" When a deadly virus overruns the small town of Castle Rock, Nevada, a group of misfits must band together to defend their town from Zombies.

Author(s): Jack Hunt  

ISBN 10: 1523217596
ISBN 13: 9781523217595
Pages: 364
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Other books by Jack Hunt

1. Killing Time (Agents of Time) (Volume 1)
2. State of Panic - A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (Camp Zero) (Volume 1)
3. State of Shock - A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller (Camp Zero) (Volume 2)
4. The Renegades 2 Aftermath
5. The Renegades 3 Fortress (Volume 3)
6. The Renegades 4 Colony (Volume 4)
7. The Renegades 5 United (Volume 5)

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