The Power of Real Estate Investing

The Power Of Real Estate Investing 7 Steps To Make Money And Create A Lifetime Of Wealth WARNING: If you are looking for the next “get rich quick”, “magic formula”, “hot tip” or “scheme” put this book down, it is NOT for you! If however, you are sick of being exhausted, over worked and under paid. If you have ever found yourself wondering why some people seem to have money and success but you are always missing time with your family, struggling to make ends meet and just getting by without really living. Then read on. The author has created a manual to show you how to create a real estate investing strategic action plan and millionaire mind-set to make money and transform your life. This real estate investing blueprint shows you: - Not only how you can use real estate investing to make money but also create massive wealth and live the lifestyle of your dreams. - How to prepare yourself with developing a wealth mindset - How you can use other people's time, money and experience to buy real estate - The perfect real estate investment strategies for you.

Author(s): Kemi Egan  

ISBN 10: 0992634695
ISBN 13: 9780992634698
Pages: 151
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