The Pokemon Sneak

Gotta read 'em all! Scholastic's publishing program is geared to appeal to Pokémon fans of all ages. Handbooks, sticker books, create & trace, readers, and more.

Ash's rival Trainer Angie has a big problem. She was supposed to care for a friend's Lickitung, and she accidentally helped it evolve into Lickilicky! Can Ash and his buddies help her face the music?

Author(s): Scholastic  

ISBN 10: 0545177251
ISBN 13: 9780545177252
Pages: 32
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Other books by Scholastic

1. Minecraft
2. Minecraft: Blockopedia
3. Minecraft: Construction Handbook
4. Movie Magic LEGO NEXO Knights - Reader
5. Now You See It! Kalos Edition (Pokemon)
6. Pokemon Academy
7. Pokémon Deluxe Essential Handbook: The Need-to-Know Stats and Facts on Over 700 Pokémon
8. Pokemon: All-New Collector's Sticker Book
9. Pokemon: Black & White Handbook
10. Pokemon: Essential Handbook
11. Pokemon: Johoto Deluxe Activity Book
12. Pokemon: Kalos Essential Activity Book (Pokemon)
13. Pokemon: Kalos Region Handbook (Pokémon)
14. Scholastic's The magic school bus hello out there
15. Scholastic's The magic school bus, butterfly and the bog beast
16. Super Sinnoh Sticker Book (Pokemon Series)
17. These Arent the Droids Youre Looking for

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