The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life

Abortion has been a polarizing issues for three decades. But today, the politics are changing fast. Public support for abortion on demand is dropping, while euthanasia and cloning have also become part of controversial debates. Political journalist Ramesh Ponnuru explains how these issues represent the creeping advance of the party of death it wants to narrow the circle of human beings with a right to life by excluding the unborn, the seriously disabled and maybe even infants. Ponnuru details how the party of death took over the Democratic party, and how it has corrupted the law, politics, and even the teaching of history. He also explains how figures such as Mario Cuomo, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Barbara Boxer have camouflaged the party of death's extremism all with help from the media. But Ponnuru also has insight into a different political future, and closes by asking how America might look after Roe v. Wade is overturned. In an America that is turning away from abortion on demand, the Democrats may prove to be the last victims of the party of death.

Author(s): Ramesh Ponnuru  

ISBN 10: 1596980044
ISBN 13: 9781596980044
Pages: 303
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