The Mind of Jesus

IN THIS book William Barclay interprets the Gospels with as much psychological insight as is possible. The historical background is described so as to illuminate the who story, and both the words and the works of Jesus are presented with a fresh comprehensiveness, always bearing in mind the questions which modern readers ask. The story takes us step by step from the first Passover in the Temple to the Transfiguration. A Lecturer in New Testament in the University of Glasgow, Dr Barclay is probably the most popular expositor of the Bible now writing in Britain. As one reviewer has commented, 'he brings to his task the experience of the tried preacher as well as the learning of the scholar'. For years Dr Barclay has cherished the ambition to write this life of Jesus.

Author(s): William Barclay  

ISBN 10: 0060604514
ISBN 13: 9780060604516
Pages: 340
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