The Law of Public Communication: 2016 Update

The Law of Public Communication provides an overview of media law that includes the most current legal developments today. It explains the laws affecting the daily work of writers, broadcasters, advertisers, cable operators, Internet service providers, public relations practitioners, photographers, bloggers, and other public communicators. Authors Kent R. Middleton, William E. Lee, and Daxton R. Stewart take students through the basic legal principles and methods of analysis that allow students to study and keep abreast of the rapidly changing field of public communication. By providing statutes and cases in a cohesive manner that is understandable, even to students studying law for the first time, the authors ensure that students will acquire a firm grasp of the legal issues affecting the media. This 2017 Update brings the Ninth Edition up to date with the most recent cases and examples affecting media professionals and public communicators.

Author(s): Kent R. Middleton   William E. Lee   Daxton Stewart  

ISBN 10: 1138950718
ISBN 13: 9781138950719
Pages: 626
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