The Law of Bitcoin

The Law Of Bitcoin is the definitive guide to navigating the rules in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency. This book is the first of its kind delving into cryptocurrency law in four jurisdictions: Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Written by knowledge leaders in the legal cryptocurrency space, The Law Of Bitcoin addresses such topics as the intersection of cryptocurrencies and criminal law, taxation, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing regulations, securities law, consumer protection, negotiable instruments, currency law, and financial regulation. The Law Of Bitcoin will be a leading resource and go-to text both for those wishing to understand the basics of how the law affects cryptocurrency and for those in the legal community searching for sophisticated answers to more advanced questions. “It is unique because the authors concisely and objectively explain how Bitcoin and bitcoin are lawfully viewed. They provide relevant, up-to-date clarity in a space that is often nebulous, confusing and filled with conflicting partisan information. The authors arrive at what will likely be unpopular conclusions that are only possible because they are not seeking to defend special interest groups. This includes issues such as fungibility which is handled in a manner that flips the conventional narrative within the Bitcoin community on its head, yet is important for any entrepreneur, developer, investor and user in the nascent space. The Law Of Bitcoin is a helpful guide to novices and veterans alike.” -Tim Swanson, author of The Anatomy Of A Money-Like Informational Commodity and Great Chain Of Numbers

Author(s): Jerry Brito  

ISBN 10: 1491768681
ISBN 13: 9781491768686
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