The Jesus Habits: Exercising the Spiritual Disciplines of Jesus

“What would Jesus do?” Perhaps the place to start is by answering another question: “How did Jesus live?” The promise in looking at the life of Christ is the thought that it is a life that can be imitated. Jay Dennis has unlocked the secret in The Jesus Habits.The author presents the disciplines that shaped Jesus’ life. They were his priority and the touchstone to the rhythm of his day. They have been practiced for centuries by mystics, monks, and saints, but they can often be overlooked and undervalued in our fast-paced, hurried-and-harried modern lives. These habits are for everyone—the busy executive to the stay-at-home mom. These Jesus habits form distinguishable patterns in the life of Jesus that can become a reality in the life of any Christian.

Author(s): Jay Dennis  

ISBN 10: 0805431276
ISBN 13: 9780805431278
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