The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion

Author(s): Ford Madox Ford  

ISBN 10: 0199537275
ISBN 13: 9780199537273
Format: Paperback
Publication: October 2008
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Other books by Ford Madox Ford

1. Parade's End Paperback (June 2001)
2. Parade's End (Everyman's Library) Hardcover (December 1992)
3. Privy Seal: His Last Venture (Reprint Services Edition) Library Binding (July 2005)
4. The Fifth Queen Paperback (February 2010)
5. The Fifth Queen Paperback (September 1999)
6. The Fifth Queen Hardcover (April 2009)
7. The Fifth Queen Paperback (August 2009)
8. The Fifth Queen Paperback (April 2009)
9. The Good Soldier Paperback (October 2003)
10. The Good Soldier Paperback (September 2010)
11. The Good Soldier Paperback (June 2003)
12. The Good Soldier: A Norton Critical Edition Paperback (June 1995)
13. The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion Paperback (December 2007)
14. The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion Paperback (January 2003)
15. The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion Paperback (March 1989)
16. The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion Paperback (October 2007)
17. The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion Paperback (February 1998)
18. The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion Paperback (September 2007)

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