The Book on Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real Estate Investor: Powerful techniques anyone can use to deduct more, invest smarter, and pay far less to the IRS!

Dreading doing your taxes? Unsure of how to maximize deductions for your real estate business? The Book on Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real Estate Investor will give you practical information you can use to not just do your taxes, but also prepare a strategy to use throughout the year and make tax season that much easier. In this book, you'll learn: Creative ways to maximize your tax deductions Clever ways to write off your kids Strategies to write off every penny of your travel Easy tips and tricks to cut down bookkeeping time Simple ways to protect yourself from an IRS audit If you are ready to take control of your bookkeeping practices and tax strategies for your real estate business, this book is for you!

Author(s): Amanda Han   Matthew MacFarland  

ISBN 10: 0990711765
ISBN 13: 9780990711766
Pages: 210
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