The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs

Are you a real estate investor still trying to figure out the complex process of creating a renovation plan and estimating rehab costs for your projects? The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs is written by active real estate fix-and-flipper J Scott, author of the popular real estate website, and is published by BiggerPockets Publishing, the publishing arm of the premier real estate investing website This 200+ page book provides a step-by-step methodology for learning how to create a Scope of Work (SOW) and how to estimate rehab costs on your renovation projects. Whether you’re a rehabber, a wholesaler or a landlord, this book will teach you the process of evaluating the scope of a rehab project and estimating the cost of completing that renovation. This is the methodology that the author has used to over the years to complete hundreds of rehabs, both for himself and for other investors. From cosmetic renovations to mechanical installations and upgrades to complex renovation components such as mold, termites and foundation issues....

Author(s): J Scott  

ISBN 10: 0988973715
ISBN 13: 9780988973718
Pages: 217
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