Thank You President Harry S. Truman

Thank You, President Harry S. Truman tells the compelling story of America’s 33rd President from his humble beginnings as a dirt farmer in Missouri to his rise in the U.S. Senate, on through to his election as Vice President and President of the United States. Overcoming adversity, physical challenges, and age limits, Truman found his way into the United States Army where as a Captain, he led troops in battle without losing a single man. The book focuses largely on Truman’s accomplishments, post war, most importantly his decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan once the United States had been engaged in World War II following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Author Rivera explores the difficulty of Truman’s decision, the alternate plan of invasion, the estimated cost in lives, for that invasion -both American and Japanese- and the ultimate decision to use the bomb. With a guest chapter by James Martin Davis, Rivera has woven a complex portrait of a great man faced with an unimaginable decision. Through narrative, storytelling, and historical detail, Rivera makes the case for Harry S. Truman as one of the foremost politicians of the 20th century and one of the greatest American Presidents of all time. Without Truman’s fortitude and courage, Rivera claims, many of us would not be here today. For that alone, we can all say, Thank You, President Harry S. Truman.

Author(s): Mr Roberto Rivera  

ISBN 10: 1501094017
ISBN 13: 9781501094019
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