Tell Them I Love Them: Receiving a Revelation of God's Love for You

Discover God's Gift for You: Unconditional Love! Every bit of God's power and love is available to you-today! And you aren't just one of the crowd. God loves you as if you were the only person on Earth. The problem is that, like most people, you may not understand it...or if you know it with your head, you may not feel it with your heart. Now you can. The powerful message in this inspiring book will show you: * How to Recognize God's Love Inside You * How to Stop Wondering If You're Good Enough for God * How You can Experience an Amazing Revelation of God's Love * How to Find God Even During Life's Painful Circumstances * How God's Love will Change You Forever. Sharing her insights and the revelation that transformed her own life, Joyce Meyer brings you Scripture and other words of wisdom that can open up the window to God's love...and let its light shine on you, personally!

Author(s): Joyce Meyer  

ISBN 10: 0446691577
ISBN 13: 9780446691574
Pages: 72
Format: Paperback
Publication: 2001/01/01
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