Song of Solomon

<p>Milkman Dead was born shortly after a neighborhood eccentric hurled himself off a rooftop in a vain attempt at flight. For the rest of his life he, too, will be trying to fly. With this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison transfigures the coming-of-age story as audaciously as Saul Bellow or Gabriel García Márquez. As she follows Milkman from his rustbelt city to the place of his family’s origins, Morrison introduces an entire cast of strivers and seeresses, liars and assassins, the inhabitants of a fully realized black world.</p>

Author(s): Toni Morrison  

ISBN 10: 140003342X
ISBN 13: 9781400033423
Pages: 352
Format: Paperback
Publication: June 2004
Edition: Reprint
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Other books by Toni Morrison

1. A Mercy Paperback (August 2009)
2. A Mercy MP3 Book (November 2008)
3. A Mercy Hardcover (November 2008)
4. A Mercy Paperback (November 2008)
5. A Mercy Compact Disc (November 2008)
6. A Mercy Hardcover (November 2008)
7. Amor/ Love Hardcover (February 2004)
8. Amor/ Love Paperback (2005/01/31)
9. An Interview With Toni Morrison Audio (1987/06/01)
10. Beloved (1905)
11. Beloved (1989/08/01)
12. Beloved (1988/07/08)
13. Beloved

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