Second Term a Novel of America in the Last Days

SECOND TERM is a novel of what could happen after the re-election of an American President, never to face the voters again. What would he do in his next four years? Would he lead the fight to abolish Americans' right to keep and bear arms? Would he lead the Congress in banning 'hate speech', including criticism of public officials? What will his newly-created green-shirted CCC Conservators do to Americans' Constitutional rights? With no holds barred, SECOND TERM examines what a re-elected President, committed to fundamentally change America, would do to keep his promise. SECOND TERM, in three volumes, is an exciting, yet frightening look at the future of an end times nation viewed through the lens of Biblical prophecy. Will violence in the streets fulfill what Prophets foresaw centuries ago? Will America stand by or betray Israel? SECOND TERM is fiction. Or is it?

Author(s): John Price  

ISBN 10: 0984077138
ISBN 13: 9780984077137
Pages: 424
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