
<p>Written by Nobel Prize Laureate Rabindranath Tagore and available in paperback for the first time, <i>Sadhana</i> is a profound, highly accessible introduction to India’s ancient spiritual heritage.</p> <p>Few figures in history have been as important as Rabindranath Tagore in bringing Indian philosophy and spiritual teachings to the West. Although he was known primarily as a poet, his work is deeply religious, imbued with his belief that God can be found through personal purity and service to others. <i>Sadhana</i> (sometimes translated from the Sanskrit as “spiritual practice” or “spiritual discipline”) is a beautifully written, concise distillation of the great resources of Indian philosophy. With the surge of interest in Indian spirituality, it will be welcomed with enthusiasm by readers everywhere.</p>

Author(s): Rabindranath Tagore  

ISBN 10: 0385510470
ISBN 13: 9780385510479
Pages: 140
Format: Paperback
Publication: September 2004
Edition: Reprint
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Other books by Rabindranath Tagore

1. A Grain of Sand: Chokher Bali (2003/11/30)
2. A Tagore Testament (2005/07/15)
3. At the Well: Song with Piano Accompanime Paperback (2004/01/11)
4. Binodini Paperback (2001)
5. Birthday Book: Selected from the English Works of Rabindranath (2002/09/01)
6. Boyhood Days Paperback (January 2008)
7. Broken Ties (2008/06/30)
8. Broken Ties &amp; Other Stories
9. Broken Ties and Other Stories Paperback (September 2009)
10. Chitra (2007)
11. Chitra Paperback (2006)
12. Chitra Paperback (2004/01/11)
13. Chitra (2002/01/01)
14. Chitra Paperback (June 2007)
15. Chitra
16. Chitra Paperback (July 2011)
17. Chitra: A Play in One Act Paperback (2004/04/15)

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