Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking: Modern Techniques for Dynamic Communication

Now streamlined and updated, the book that has literally put millions on the highway to greater accomplishment and success can show you how to have maximum impact as a speaker--every day, and in every situation that demands winning others over to your point of view.

Author(s): Dale Carnegie  

ISBN 10: 0671724002
ISBN 13: 9780671724009
Pages: 224
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Publication: March 1990
Edition: Revised
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Other books by Dale Carnegie

1. Besser miteinander reden. (January 1997)
2. Biographical Roundup; Highlights in the Lives of Forty Famous People. Hardcover (1970/06/01)
3. Como Disfrutar De LA Vida Y Del Trabajo Hardcover (1996/04/01)
4. Como Disfrutar De LA Vida Y Del Trabajo/Enjoy Your Life/Job Paperback (March 1999)
5. Como Disfrutar De LA Vida Y Del Trabajo/How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job Paperback (1986/12/31)
6. Como Disfrutar de La Vida y El Trabajo Ed.Re (1999/06/01)
7. Como Disfrutar De La Vida/ How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job Paperback (2003/02/28)
8. Como Disfrutar Vida Trabajo (June 1987)
9. Como Ganar Amigos (2006/02/28)
10. Como Ganar Amigos E Influir Sobre las Personas
11. Como Ganar Amigos e Influir Sobre las Personas (Spanish Edition)
12. Como Ganar Amigos E Influir Sobre Las Personas, Edicion Revisada/How to Win Friends and Influence People Paperback (2000/06/01)
13. Como Ganar Amigos E Influir Sobre Las Personas, Edicion Revisada/How to Win Friends and Influence People Paperback (June 1986)
14. Como ganar amigos e influir sobre las personas/ How to Win Friends & Influence People Paperback (March 09, 2010)
15. Como Ganar Amigos E Influir Sobre Las Personas: How to Win Friends and Influence People (1997/06/01)
16. Como Ganar Amigos E Influir Sobrelas Personas (April 1997)
17. Como Ganar Amigos Pasta Dura Paperback (1999)
18. Como Hablar Bien En Publico (1993/06/01)
19. Como Hablar Bien En Publico (Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business) Paperback (2000/09/01)

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