Property Management Kit For Dummies

Discover how to be a landlord with ease

Thinking about becoming a landlord? Property Management Kit For Dummies gives you proven strategies for establishing and maintaining rental properties, whether a single family or multi-resident unit. You'll find out how to prepare and promote your properties, select tenants, handle repairs, avoid costly mistakes and legal missteps—and meet your long-term goals.

Now you can find out if you really have what it takes to successfully manage a rental property, and you'll learn all about the various options for hiring someone else to manage your property for you. You'll find out the right way to prepare your properties for prospective tenants, set the rent and security deposit, clean up properties between tenants, and verify rental applications. In no time at all, you can become a top-notch property manager by working efficiently with employees and contractors to keep your properties safe and secure.

  • Manage your time and money wisely
  • Acquire a property and prepare it for tenants
  • Make your property stand out and attract tenants
  • Keep good tenants and get rid of bad ones
  • Collect and increase rent
  • Evaluate the different types of insurance and understand income and property taxes

Complete with lists of ten reasons to become a rental property owner, ten ways to rent your vacancy, and the ten biggest mistakes a landlord can make, Property Management Kit For Dummies helps you achieve your dream of being a successful residential rental property owner.

CD-ROM and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.

Author(s): Robert S. Griswold  

ISBN 10: 1118443772
ISBN 13: 9781118443774
Pages: 432
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Other books by Robert S. Griswold

1. Property Management for Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback))
2. Property Management Kit For Dummies
3. Real Estate Investing For Dummies

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