Project Management: A Quick Start Beginner's Guide For The Serious Project Manager To Managing Any Project Easily

Project Management, A Quickstart Begnner’s Guide For The Serious Project Manager To Managing Any Project Easily. The book, “Project Management, A Quickstart Begnner’s Guide For The Serious Project Manager To Managing Any Project Easily” spells out the qualities of a good project manager and takes you through the exact steps that you need to master to become competent as a project manager. Once you go through the tips provided in this book, you will not have to worry about the nature of the project at hand or its magnitude. You will have gained so much courage that no project will intimidate you. The best thing about this book is that it is simple to read, has clear points, and is generally an interesting read. And as you will realize after going through the book, it is not easy to forget the project management tips provided owing to their mode of delivery.

Author(s): Donald J. Scott  

ISBN 10: 1533582335
ISBN 13: 9781533582331
Pages: 138
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