Oscar Wilde & Paris

Véronique Daviau has researched for many years Oscar Wilde's influence on Parisian artists as well as their own influence on the aesthete for this fascinating book on Oscar Wilde's various stays n Paris. From Oscar Wilde's first trip to Paris with a play for Sarah Bernhardt, his honeymoon in the French capital, his most creative stays there in the 1890's till his death, all his sojourns are set within the social, political and literary Parisian background. Follow him during this meetings with Sarah Bernhardt, Retté, Victor Hugo, Moréas, André Gide, Verlaine, Mallarme, Zola, Maeterlinck and many others in the most famous restaurants and cafés of the time. Witness the genesis of his "Salomé" among the Symbolists at the time when Paris is being terrorised by Anarchists and shaken by the "Affaire Dreyfus". Following his release from jail, wander in his company through the Anarchists' Paris, Montmartre, les Folies-Bergères, le Moulin Rouge and finally le Père Lachaise cemetery.

Author(s): Ms véronique daviau  

ISBN 10: 1502596997
ISBN 13: 9781502596994
Pages: 188
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