Off the Rails : The Crisis of Britain's Railways

<p>Britain's rail network ground to a halt in the months following the fatal Hatfield crash in October 2000. Widespread speed reductions on potentially unsafe track caused the system-wide delays and months of enormous inconvenience for passengers.</p> <p>In these pages Andrew Murray investigates the rail fiasco with the authority and access available only to an industry insider. He traces its origins back to the disastrous decision to privatise the system in 1994 and examines the way the necessary legislation was forced through parliament, in the face of considerable public opposition. British Rail was sold off in one hundred different pieces by John Major's government and Murray looks at the legacy of this approach today: a Byzantine structure of competing companies, squabbling about their own interests whilst regularly failing to serve those of the public.</p> <p><em>Off the Rails</em> draws extensively on the testimony of those working on the railways – the train drivers, maintenance workers, signalers, station staff and passengers' representatives who have been forced to battle through the recent crisis. The result is a highly readable and authoritative account of a continuing national disgrace and an eloquent plea for the only strategy that cane put things right: the renationalisation of the system – a move supported by 76 per cent of the British public but still stubbornly resisted by Labour ministers.</p>

Author(s): Andrew Murray  

ISBN 10: 1859846408
ISBN 13: 9781859846407
Pages: 200
Format: Hardcover
Publication: 2001/10/11
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Other books by Andrew Murray

1. 'Jesus Himself' (2 Addresses).... Paperback (January 2012)
2. 365 Daily Devotions on Prayer: Insprition on Talking With God Paperback (2007)
3. A 31 Day Guide to Prayer Paperback (2002/12/01)
4. A 31 Day Guide to Prayer
5. A Life of Power Paperback (2002/04/01)
6. Abide in Christ Paperback (April 1997)
7. Abide in Christ Paperback (October 2002)
8. Abide in Christ Paperback (September 2010)
9. Abide in Christ Paperback (April 2008)
10. Abide in Christ Hardcover (1992/06/01)
11. Abide in Christ (1992/06/01)
12. Abide in Christ Paperback (2/28/1987)
13. Abide in Christ Binding (1983/09/01)
14. Abide in Christ Paperback (1980/01/31)
15. Abide in Christ
16. Abide in Christ Paperback (7/28/2011)
17. Abide in Christ (June 1992)

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