Melville's Short Novels: A Norton Critical Edition

Collected in this volume are Bartleby the Scrivener, Benito Cereno, and Billy Budd—presented in the best texts available, those published during Melville's lifetime and corrected by the author.

Each text has been carefully edited and annotated for student readers.

As his writing reflects, Melville was extraordinarily well read. "Contexts" collects important sources for each novel, including writings by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Amasa Delano, and Nathaniel Hawthorne.

"Criticism" includes twenty-eight essays about the novels sure to promote classroom discussion. Contributors include Leo Marx, Elizabeth Hardwick, Frederick Busch, Robert Lowell, Herschel Parker, Carolyn L. Karcher, Thomas Mann, and Hannah Arendt.

A Selected Bibliography is included.

Author(s): Herman Melville  

ISBN 10: 0393976416
ISBN 13: 9780393976410
Pages: 432
Format: Paperback
Publication: November 2001
Edition: 1st Edition
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Other books by Herman Melville

1. "Moby Dick (""Read Along"")" (1988/05/02)
2. An Interactive Biography of Ted Kennedy (2/8/2013)
3. An Interactive History of the Civil Rights Movement (2/10/2013)
4. Apple Tree Table, And Other Sketches (BCL1-PS American Literature) (January 1922)
5. Arena Bibliothek der Abenteuer, Bd.2, Moby Dick (1999/11/01)
7. Bartleby Paperback - German (May 2012)
8. Bartleby Hardcover - German (May 2012)
9. Bartleby Paperback - German (February 2012)
10. Bartleby (French Edition) (November 2007)
11. Bartleby and Benito Cereno Paperback (January 2011)
12. Bartleby and Benito Cereno Paperback (February 2012)
13. Bartleby el escribiente (January 1991)
14. Bartleby el escribiente (Bartleby the Scrivener) Paperback - Spanish (11/1/2007)
15. Bartleby Le Scribe Fo Bi Paperback - French (May 2003)
16. Bartleby Le Scribe Not Paperback - French (November 2010)

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