John Donne: Selected Letters

<p>Whether sharing his anxieties about writing, consoling bereaved friends, complaining about the meanness of a patron, or defending himself against malicious gossip, John Donne reveals himself in these letters with a directness that can be found nowhere else in his writings. The 95 included letters, dating from the late 1590s until a short time before Donne's death, constitute approximately half of his surviving correspondence and are addressed to a variety of recipients, revealing his role as not only a poet but as a father, son, husband, friend, suitor, courtier, and pastor. Although what the letters reveal is far from edifying, they corroborate the impression created by Donne's better-known writings that he was one of the most remarkable figures the English Renaissance produced.<br> </p>

Author(s): John Donne  

ISBN 10: 1857545613
ISBN 13: 9781857545616
Pages: 134
Format: Paperback
Publication: July 2006
Edition: New
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Other books by John Donne

1. 'Life'; appreciations by Ben Jonson, Dryden, Coleridge and others; with an introduction and notes by H. W. Garrod Book (1971/09/23)
2. A Sermon Vpon the XX. Verse of the V. Chapter of the Booke of Ivdges Wherein Occasion Was Iustly Taken for the Publication of Some Reasons, Which Hi Paperback (December 2010)
3. A Declaration of That Paradox That Self-Homicide Is Not So Naturally Sin Paperback (July 2011)
4. Biathanatos
5. Biathanatos Hardcover
6. Biathanatos Paperback (September 2010)
7. Biathanatos Hardcover (September 2010)
8. Canciones Y Sonetos Paperback (2004)
9. Complete English Poems Paperback (August 1977)
10. Complete English Poems (Everyman's Library) Hardcover (October 1991)
11. Complete Poems (1973/06/01)
12. Complete Poems. Edited with Pref. Essay on Life and Writings, and Notes Volume 1 Paperback (August 2012)
13. Complete Poetry and Selected Prose Hardcover (1929/12/01)
14. Complete Poetry and Selected Prose (Nonesuch Press) (1989/07/01)
15. Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne
16. Death&#39;s Duel, 1632 Book (1969/03/01)
17. Devotions Paperback (August 2011)
18. Devotions Paperback (September 2011)
19. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions Paperback (April 1987)
20. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions Paperback (2004)

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