Javascript Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy

Design the MIND of a Robotic Thinker! “ This book will help you get started with this exciting language and gives you an idea of what is possible. “ - Melchizedek B, from “ The examples it uses are easy to follow and the illustrations bring out the more complex aspects while making them simple. “ - C. Brant, from “ Such a cool book that covers basic Javascript programming then incorporates tools and components to explore Artificial Intelligence. “ - M. Gavel, from * * INCLUDED BONUS: a Quick-start guide to Learning Javascript in less than a Day! * * How would you like to Create the Next SIRI? Artificial Intelligence. One of the most brilliant creations of mankind. No longer a sci-fi fantasy, but a realistic approach to making work more efficient and lives easier. And the best news? It’s not that complicated after all Does it require THAT much advanced math? NO! And are you paying THOUSANDS of dollars just to learn this information? NO! Hundreds? Not even close. Within this book's pages, you'll find GREAT coding skills to learn - and more. Just some of the questions and topics include: - Complicated scheduling problem? Here’s how to solve it. - How good are your AI algorithms? Analysis for Efficiency - How to interpret a system into logical code for the AI - How would an AI system would diagnose a system? We show you... - Getting an AI agent to solve problems for you and Much, much more! World-Class Training This book breaks your training down into easy-to-understand modules. It starts from the very essentials of algorithms and program procedures, so you can write great code - even as a beginner!

Author(s): Code Well Academy  

ISBN 10: 153082687X
ISBN 13: 9781530826872
Pages: 156
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