Invest In Apartment Buildings: Profit Without The Pitfalls

Invest In Apartment Buildings Profit Without The Pitfalls is a no-holds-barred guide to successfully investing in multifamily buildings. This Bradley-Banta compendium includes everything you need to know—the good deals and the "don't go there" ones; exit strategies—and the fact that you must have more than one; repositioning a property (it's a lot more than fixing it up); negotiating the best deals (let go of being liked); understanding the real numbers and using them to your advantage; and the often ignored value of building a first-class team.

Theresa Bradley-Banta's Invest In Apartment Buildings features tales from the real estate fast lane that only Bradley-Banta shares. It fills you in on the so-called "guru snafus"—the pitfalls that occur because investors follow the advice of the "gurus" of the moment—and lets you in on every aspect of the deal from start to finish.

Author(s): Theresa Bradley-Banta  

ISBN 10: 0985968109
ISBN 13: 9780985968106
Pages: 236
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