In the Words of Jesus

What did Jesus say? No individual has a greater impact on human history than Jesus Christ. In just three short years, this humble carpenter challenged, enlightened, and transformed those around Him with words of wisdom, grace, truth, hope, and love. And through His words and actions, He provided indisputable evidence that God always has been and always will be among us. In the Words of Jesus distills Jesus’ most profound teachings from the four Gospels and reflects on what His message meant not only during His brief ministry on earth but also for us today. Like the Gospels themselves, In the Words of Jesus is a timeless reminder of what it looks like to live a truly pure and godly life, and an invaluable source of biblical wisdom sure to inspire and enlighten readers of all ages.

Author(s): Tyndale  

ISBN 10: 1496402537
ISBN 13: 9781496402530
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