In the Aftermath of Catastrophe: Founding Judaism 70-640

<p>In the Aftermath of Catastrophe is a continuation of Jacob Neusner's study of the importance of the first six centuries of the Common Era in the history of Judaism. It is during this period, which began with the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. and concluded with the formation of the Talmud of Babylonia and the advent of Islam after 600 C.E., that the system of Judaism that would attain normative status took shape and the Judaic canon of law and theology came to definition. Rabbinic Judaism, carried forward by today's Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative Judaisms, also emerged at this time.</p> <p>Neusner argues that the Judaism that emerged in late antiquity experimented with solutions to a critical and enduring issue of culture that continues to engage humanity - the crisis provoked by calamity. Exemplified in our time by the German war against the Jews from 1933-1945, in antiquity calamity took the form of the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and the cessation of its sacrifices, putting an end to the cultic calendar by which people had measured the passage of time in the heavens and maintained their earthly relationship with God. Resolution of this crisis required a radical solution, the reversion to prophecy, which had as a consequence restoration of world order. Judaism as we know it responded then and continues to respond now to the paramount problem of that day and ours - the end of the old order and the advent of the new.</p>

Author(s): Jacob Neusner  

ISBN 10: 0773535209
ISBN 13: 9780773535206
Pages: 192
Format: Hardcover
Publication: May 2009
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Other books by Jacob Neusner

1. A History of the Jews in Babylonia II: The Early Sasanian Period (University of South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism) Paperback (May 2000)
2. A History of the Jews in Babylonia IV: The Age of Shapur II (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism Series 220), Vol. 4 Paperback (May 2000)
3. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part 1: The Parthian Period Paperback (December 2008)
4. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part II: The Early Sasanian Period Paperback, 2008 (July 2008)
5. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part III: From Shapur I to Shapur II Paperback (December 2008)
6. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part IV: The Age of Shapur II Paperback, 2008 (2008)
7. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part V: Later Sasanian Times Paperback (December 2008)
8. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Volume 15 Part 5. Later Sasanian Times Hardcover (June 1970)
9. A History of the Jews in Babylonia: The Parthian Period Paperback (May 2000)
10. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Holy Things, Part 1: Zebahim: Translation and Explanation Paperback, 2007 (2007)
11. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Holy Things, Part 2: Menahot: Translation and Explanation Paperback, 2007 (2007)
12. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Holy Things, Part 3: Hullin, Bekhorot: Translation and Expl... Paperback, 2007 (2007)
13. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Holy Things, Part 4: Arakhin, Temurah: Translation and Explanation Paperback (April 2007)
14. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 10: Parah: Literary and Historical Problems Paperback, 2007 (2007)
15. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 12: Tohorot: Literary and Historical Problems Paperback, 2007 (2007)
16. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 13: Miqvaot: Commentary Paperback, 2007 (2007)
17. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 14: Miqvaot: Literary and Historical Problems Paperback, 2007 (2007)
18. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 15: Niddah: Commentary Paperback, 2007 (2007)
19. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 16: Niddah: Literary and Historical Problems Paperback, 2007 (2007)

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