Hyper Sales Growth: Street-Proven Systems & Processes. How to Grow Quickly & Profitably

IF YOU THINK YOU KNOW SALES...YOU DON’T KNOW JACK! “Jack Daly stands above all others. His energy is matched only by his genius and understanding about what makesthe best sales organizations. It’s not commission strategies, it’s not about glossy sales materials; it is about people. Jack understands better than most that if you look out for your people and insist that they look out for your customers, the result is unprecedented growth (and a lot of very happy and inspired employees and customers).“ ; Simon Sinek, Optimist and Author of Leaders Eat Last and Start With Why “Winning teams result from strong cultures and leadership driven systems and processes. In the world of sales, as detailed in Hyper Sales Growth, Jack Daly knows how to lead and win.”; Pat Williams, Co-Founder, Orlando Magic, Author of Vince Lombardi on Leadership “If you want to play the piano, you hire a teacher. If you want to run a fast marathon, you hire a coach. Jack Daly is the best Professional Sales Coach in America. He teaches you what you need to know, how to remember it, and how to practice it every single day. This book will change your life as a leader and a salesperson, and you will thank Jack Daly every day you make a new sale.”; Willy Walker, Chairman and CEO, Walker & Dunlop “It’s finally here!! The book all the million fans (that’s literal) of Jack Daly have been wanting – a book that shares the same time-tested sales management techniques that work to drive growth he’s been teaching in his powerful and packed workshops. It’s all about getting the sales management piece right; this is the book that shows you the way.”; Verne Harnish ,CEO of Gazelles Author of Mastering the Rockefeller Habits and The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time “If you want to get predictable revenue and profitable growth, Jack Daly is your source for the state of the art in sales. Read this book, buy it for your team, follow his advice and you’ll be unstoppable.”; Christine Comaford , Executive Coach & Presidential Advisor NY Times Best Selling Author of SmartTribes: How Teams Become Brilliant Together “Jack Daly is a rare gem in the business world. I have seen him transform several companies, by growing revenue, by upgrading corporate cultures, and by growing employees’ capacity to produce results. His vast knowledge and experience gives him a perspective unmatched by anyone I’ve experienced. This book is a must read if you are interested in taking your company to the next level in the most direct way possible.”; Rick Sapio ,CEO of Mutual Capital Alliance, Inc

Author(s): Jack Daly  

ISBN 10: 1599324385
ISBN 13: 9781599324388
Pages: 199
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