How to Be a Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire: Make Fast Cash with No Money, Credit, or Previous Experience

Huge fortunes can be amassed by holding real estate for the long term-up to 20 or 30 or years in some cases. Yet most people don't have the luxury of time and need cash to cover their day-to-day expenses. To that end, nationally renowned real estate expert Ron LeGrand has developed a method of buying real estate to generate cash that he calls ""quick turning."" Over the past 15 years, he has bought and sold more than a thousand properties for fast-cash profit using the method.

In How to Be a Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire: Make Fast Cash with No Money, Credit, or Previous Experience, LeGrand shares this system for building long-term wealth. With wit and wisdom, he outlines four main categories of ""quick-turn"" transactions: retailing, wholesaling, assumptions, and lease/options. He helps readers understand which type of transaction is appropriate for their specific cash flow goals, and he reveals how-to secrets that real estate investors, and wannabe investors, can use to:

* Get rich on fixer-uppers without lifting a hammer.

* Find motivated sellers.

* Negotiate win-win deals.

* Sell houses fast.

* Succeed while others fail.

Author(s): Ron Legrand  

ISBN 10: 0793188865
ISBN 13: 9780793188864
Pages: 288
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