Hillary Clinton: The Life of a Leader

Just in time for the presidential election, trace Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s life of service in this Step 3 Biography Reader! After volunteering as a young child, she became a leader in school and college, championed women’s and children’s causes as a young lawyer and wife of a politician, and finally became a politician herself. She has been our First Lady, a U.S. senator, the secretary of state, and a presidential candidate. Hillary Clinton has achieved so many “firsts” in her life. Will she add “first woman president” to her list of achievements? Step 3 Readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics—for children who are ready to read on their own.

Author(s): Shana Corey  

ISBN 10: 110193235X
ISBN 13: 9781101932353
Pages: 48
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