Hillary Clinton: A Biography of the First Lady Turned Presidential Candidate

In Hillary Clinton: A Biography of the First Lady Turned Presidential Candidate you will learn about the life, career, and ambitions of Hillary Clinton. With the U.S. presidential elections closing in, all eyes are now set on the nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton will be a powerful force to reckon with this election season. Once upon a time famous for simply being former U.S. President Bill Clinton’s wife, today she has moved out of his shadow to become the Democratic nominee for president. This biography is dedicated to the former First Lady and examines her life in detail. Learn about the events that shaped her life and how she came to be regarded as one of the most powerful women in the world.

Author(s): Benjamin Southerland  

ISBN 10: 153548134X
ISBN 13: 9781535481342
Pages: 58
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