Follow Christ: Developing the Practices of an Intentional Disciple is so beautiful to follow Jesus, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, that you then find balance and move forward. Pope Francis Walking in the footsteps of Jesus is a nice image, one which we aspire to as Christians. We go to mass, we pray, but we feel like there is more we could be doing and aren t sure what next steps to take. In Following Christ: Developing the Practices of an Intentional Disciple, authors Dave Nodar, Fr. Erik Arnold, and Ally Ascosi lead us through the important, basic disciplines that characterize intentional disciples: Daily, deliberate personal prayer time Taking the Bible down from the shelf and really using it in your life The gift of the sacraments Christ gave us to give us the strength to follow him Forgiveness as a key element of discipleship What it means to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit Finally, you ll learn to recognize and defend against the struggles that often accompany a new or renewed relationship with Christ. Pope Francis said, Let us ask ourselves: How do I follow Jesus? Follow Christ begins to show us the way.

Author(s): David Nodar   Father Erik Arnold   Aly Ascosi  

ISBN 10: 1612789390
ISBN 13: 9781612789392
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