Find a Real Friend in Jesus: Ten Amazingly Easy Steps

“For years the Lord was right beside me, asking me to be his friend. Unfortunately, I was too busy to respond. The only time I ever spoke with him was when I needed something. In an emergency, I always seemed to remember Jesus. I knew where to find him when I was in trouble, but I would forget about him as soon as he answered my prayer.” Sound familiar? Maybe you turn to Jesus whenever you’re in need, but find yourself ignoring Him when your life is smooth sailing. Maybe you already feel close to the Lord, but recognize that—like a marriage or any other significant relationship—complacency can lead to a rut. Maybe you’ve never even spoken with Him and aren’t quite sure where to begin. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, it’s absolutely possible to forge a deeper and richer relationship with Jesus. And in Gary Zimak’s newest book, you’ll discover ten amazingly easy steps that will help draw you closer to the Lord. You’ll explore lives in the Bible that were changed forever because of encounters with Jesus. Then you’ll learn concrete steps that you can take to grow your friendship with Him. After all, Jesus wants to be your BFF—your Best Friend Forever—even more than you do! So while these steps require some effort on your part, you can rest assured that Jesus is ready and willing to hold up His end of the deal. You face an important decision that only you can make. Are you ready to invite Jesus more deeply into

Author(s): Gary Zimak  

ISBN 10: 1632530228
ISBN 13: 9781632530226
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